Mag Lonbraj

Magician Lonbraj - founder and head of the School of Dark Magic, head of the center of magical help.

⛤ Expert in the field of paganism and dark magic.
⛤ Author of many articles about mysticism and magic.
⛤ Experience of more than 20 years, started in 2000s.
⛤ Helped thousands of patients and clients.
⛤ Author of YouTube channel about magic.



Why "about us" and not "about me"? As a leader and founder, I am at the center of the project, but the project exists because of a collective effort. Our team brings together curators, alumni of the Magnozis School of Magic, and patients and clients who stay behind as volunteers. Although they remain behind the scenes and do not speak publicly, I feel it is necessary to express my deep appreciation for their contributions and the important role each of them plays in our common cause.


about the center and those who made it possible

The Magician's Help Center is our new project. In 2021, I decided to close the School of Magic and the accompanying project "Magician's Help", deciding to take some time off, believing that I had contributed enough to the training of qualified practitioners in various fields of magic. However, as we know, plans can change due to circumstances. At the request of former students, patients and mentors, in early 2024, I opened a Magical Help Center where anyone can receive support regardless of ability to pay. Leave a request for help, you can through Instagram of the center or facebook group.

If you are a victim of fraud, here you can get professional advice in the field of law, as well as assistance in preparing the necessary documents for filing a lawsuit or appealing to law enforcement authorities.

About volunteers and participants

Many people I have personally helped or who have been helped by my students have joined us as volunteers, taking a key role in counseling new clients. In addition to paid services, our center provides free services: magical help, counseling, and legal assistance for those who have experienced deception. All of these initiatives might not have been possible without the invaluable contributions of our volunteers, their time and financial support, which are critical to the development of the center.

About the curators

My journey started back in the 2000s. Many who have walked this road with me have chosen not to be in the public eye and have chosen the role of helpers. These are my friends and brothers in the craft, practitioners with impressive experience, who played a key role in establishing the Magnozis School of Magic and training students.

They are now the backbone of the magic help center, having taken over the leadership and many important functions. Without their titanic labor, the achievement of our outstanding results would not have been possible.

About our specialists

Unfortunately, most graduates and those enrolled in the Magnozis School of Magic in general have chosen the path of personal and social development, using magic to achieve personal benefits and success. As a dark mage, I am convinced that magic should indeed serve as the key to personal happiness. However, many people do not have the necessary strength, knowledge and capabilities, and here our task is to help them. There are many talented practitioners among my students who are willing to devote their time and energy to helping those in need.

It is to them that we owe a debt of gratitude for the support that people receive free of charge at our center!

On the important role of our patients and customers

Our patients and clients also play a key role in our community. We have never resorted to advertising, nor did we do so during the development years of Magnozis School of Magic. You find us on your own, spread the word about us to acquaintances, friends, and anyone else who needs qualified help. It is those of you who took the time to write reviews and share links on social media that are the main driving force and soul of our project. Thanks to everyone who has spread the word about our project, be it magician help, magic school or help center, it is thanks to you that we can continue to help those in need and share knowledge with those who wish to follow this path in life, carrying the banner of magic.

All three years after the school closed and the last student graduated, I continued to receive emails and requests for training. People were not deterred by the high cost of individual training, nor by my explanation that I was starting a YouTube channel so that everyone could learn magic on their own. My social media hls and inbox were overflowing with various offers.

Well, those who persevere achieve what they want!



The School of Dark Magic is the logical development of Magnozis and its successor, focusing exclusively on the most significant aspects of knowledge. There is no place for light directions here; this is the realm of Dark Magic and all facets of dark sorcery. There are no grandmother's whispers, no village conspiracies by the river or in the bathhouse. Everything is built on the best traditions of Magnozis, but with a deep dive into dark paganism, the practice of working with spirits, souls and those who dwell in the night. The school is dedicated to dark magic in its most obvious manifestations: necromancy, summoning the shadows of the departed, gods and chthonic entities. The work is conducted with ancient egregors and natural forces, providing a deep dive into the essence of dark magic.

Why is it so expensive?!

Yesterday I announced the opening of a new school, and the question immediately arose, "Where do these PRICES come from?" Magnozis existed as a project to educate and train specialists in various fields of magic. Those who were with us know that we trained mages of different traditions and directions, from light to Chaosite, without any moral or spiritual agitation. The goal of those years was to provide knowledge to as wide a range of people as possible at as affordable a price as possible - the starting tuition was only 50 dollars, many learned for free.

The School of Dark Magic is a purely commercial project. I am willing to share more complex knowledge and train successors, but it will cost considerably more than a cup of tea. The school is for those who seek personal power and authority for themselves and recognize the value of knowledge and the power it provides. And yes, I believe that magic should be accessible to everyone, I have a YouTube channel, articles and a TikTok where I will talk about various aspects of magic in simple words.

Is it worth it for Magnosis graduates to enroll?

To be honest, the school was opened mainly because of them - many expressed a desire to continue training personally or in the format of individualized support. There were also requests for internship opportunities for their own students. It is for this reason that the School of Dark Magic was created. If you wish to apply for an apprenticeship, indicate that you have completed a full course in shadow magic and attach a photo of your badge (all graduates of the Magnozis Shadow Faculty received a personal badge as a sign of professionalism), and you will be enrolled directly into the final course of the School of Dark Magic.
For students of the Light Faculty or Chaos Faculty, unfortunately, this will not be a suitable option, as the main focus of the training is through the Shadow Egregore and interacting with it.

For beginners: you can also enroll and start your training from scratch. It is a coherent and complete program, as long as you share its focus and moral principles.

Can I get a discount?

The discounts and free places that were available at Magnozis are not available at the School of Dark Magic. This project is purely commercial and is aimed at creating a budget for the Magical Help Center. The bulk of the income goes to support and operate the center so that everyone can get qualified help. In addition, the dark magic course is challenging and intensive, and if you cannot afford it, perhaps you should not start it.

Before you think about such a training, you need to fulfill all your basic needs. Study finance. Take continuing education courses. And then maybe the cost will no longer seem so prohibitive to you. I am strongly against people going to school spending their last dime. I repeat, I have my YouTube channel for you, I write articles and shoot TikTok - basic knowledge is available to everyone. Just keep an eye on the project!

Will I become a mindless servant of Satan?

Questions about Satan, his "puppets", the soul and other nonsense invented by the light slaves of the order egregore, sects and other sick for the sorrowful mind, cause me only irritation. All this nonsense is nothing more than an attempt to confuse and intimidate. I am a Shadow mage, and only shadow mages are true dark mages, unlike the infernal Chaosites and others. No one trades in their soul; your soul is only of interest to religious egregors, which we mages have nothing to do with. Morality and Belonging are not the same thing, and there is far more rot among the "light" hypocrites and Pharisees than anywhere else.
We have no business with light currents that impose their limits and restrictions. I teach magic based on pagan and polytheistic traditions, where there is no place for blind belief and worship in gilded halls.
Here we train Dark Mages, those who realize that personal morality and power are the only path for a sentient being.
At the moment I run a center and a school of dark magic, I combine this with a channel about magic on YouTube and would appreciate any support in the media field, so come in, watch videos, read articles, put likes and subscribe!



I am a dark mage with over 20 years experience in the field of witchcraft and magic.

How it all started:
I began my fascination with magic and interest in mysticism as a child. I was lucky, unlike most of those who tell how they overcame difficulties, my interests were not suppressed. Here I want to express my deep gratitude to my family, particularly my mother and grandmother, who bought me my first books and tarot when I was still in elementary school. Special thanks to my late grandfather who replaced my father and took an interest in motivating me to develop in this field, if it wasn't for my parents I probably wouldn't have Lonbridge.

I can't say that period is right at the beginning, I don't even count it as a seniority, but that was when the groundwork and foundation for my future was laid!

Way passed:
I was a regular on all the forums about magic: Free Wizards' Den, Wica, Runes and Tarot, The Subtle World. I have gone through several online schools, studied with different magicians with a bias towards Afro-Caribbean and Haitian magic. Passed initiation in various pagan traditions, later became a disciple of the St. Petersburg coven (Eastern Lodge of Shadows). Specialized in dark magic, the name Lonbraj was given by the teacher, which means "shadow". Trained in the specialization - exorcist. From 2010 to 2015, advanced training and studied wiccanism and witchcraft. And a lot of other things that I don't think are particularly interesting.

Here I want to make a remark and express my respect and immense love to the one without whom this project would definitely not have happened, my wife. If it wasn't for her support and willingness to endure hardship and stress, none of this would have happened. Thank you, my love, and thank you to our daughters for inspiring us to make the world a better place. So, with my wife's support, from 2015 to 2021 as the head of Magnozis School of Magic, he trained over 500 magicians and helped countless patients and clients with the Magician's Assistance Project.

Currently running a center and school of dark magic, I combine this with a YouTube channel about magic and would appreciate any support in the media field, so stop by, watch videos, read articles, give likes and subscribe!